Mines of dalarnia как вывести деньги

Обновлено: 17.05.2024

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Как заходить в шахту и уменьшить комиссию

Перед вами поле выбора шахт, каждая отдельная клетка это шахта. Нажав на любую вы можете посмотреть какой ресурс на ней можно добывать, цену за вход (за монеты DAR) и процент износа шахты (от 0 до 100). Но добывать вы можете только в той шахте на которой стоите в данный момент. Чтобы перейти на другую нужно нажать кнопку "Move Miner" и двигаться в сторону нужной шахты (при этом тратится энергия которая восполняется каждые 6 часов по 50 едениц).

Когда вы решили зайти в шахту нажимаем кнопку "Mine"

После нажатия кнопки "Mine" вы должны выбрать количество заходов которые вы покупаете (от 1 до 5). Чем больше заходов вы покупаете тем выгоднее для вас, так как вам будет не выгодно каждый раз платить комиссию за покупку на 1 заход. Берите сразу 5.

Нажимаем "Send" и открываем кошелёк

Как только открывается окно с транзакцией мы можем уменьшить комиссию. Нажимаем шестеренку в верху.

По умолчанию тут стоит значение 20, меняем его на 5 и подтверждаем, тем самым комиссия уменьшается в несколько раз!

Также в новом обновлении игры разработчики добавили возможность менять стоимость комиссии прямо в настройках игры

Нажимаем шестеренку в главном меню

По умолчанию тут стоит значение 20, меняем его на 5 и подтверждаем, тем самым комиссия уменьшается в несколько раз!

Как продавать ресурсы и получать DAR

Как только вы успешно сходили в шахту открываем заветный сундук с ресурсами (лучше открывать несколько сундуков разом, когда использовали все заходы, так вы сэкономите на комиссии).

Теперь ресурсы можно продать на внутреннем рынке игры. Нажимаем вверху вкладку "Craft"

Далее нажимаем "Market"

Нажимаем "Sell" напротив нужного ресурса

Вводим нужное количество и нажимаем "Confirm"

Готово, ресурсы проданы, а DAR уже в вашем кошельке

Если вы накопили достаточно много DAR то можно его продать на бирже и получить реальные деньги. Как обменивать криптовалюты я описывал в отдельной статье ( тут и тут ). Просто меняем DAR на стейбл коин Busd или Usdt и выводим с биржи через p2p.

Полезные ссылки

В телеграм группе и дискорд часто скидывают полезные ссылки которыми я с вами поделюсь:

Онлайн таблица с ресурсами, графиками и анализом земель по окупаемости. Супер полезная таблица, те кто её сделал мега крутые, спасибо им!

Mines of Dalarnia is an action adventure game. You can download the client on our website or install it on your PC (it will be available on April 26th, 2022).

Do I need an internet connection to play Mines of Dalarnia?

Yes. A stable internet connection is necessary to play Mines of Dalarnia.

Do I need to pay to play Mines of Dalarnia?

You can play Mines of Dalarnia’s free demo without creating an account or paying any fees. However, to have access to the game and its Play-2-Earn features you will have to use DAR on several occasions.

Is Mines of Dalarnia pay-to-win?

The project does not sell items that give a competitive advantage. Players can, however, buy and sell items and resources from each other.

Can I play Mines of Dalarnia on PC with a controller?

Yes. We support controllers on PC.

How do I report a bug or give feedback regarding the Mines of Dalarnia?

Please use the Support button on our website. Or you can fill in the Form: Feedback

What do the Hardware Requirements look like?

Recommended specs (play at 30fps)
GPU: GeForce GTX 650
CPU: Intel Core i5 2.90GHz
System RAM: 8GB

Do I need to create an account to play the game?

Yes, you have to create an account to play Mines of Dalarnia. During account creation, you will set up a blockchain wallet to hold all of your tokens and NFTs.

Player progression

What tools/items do I use to progress in the game?

Mining Tool:

Mining Tools are used for digging within the mines. Stronger tools have the ability to destroy harder blocks and open up more mines for exploration. Rare mining tools may also grant the user additional perks.


Weapons are used to fight enemies. The more powerful and advanced the weapon is, the easier it is to defeat the monsters that inhabit the Dalarnian universe.

Armor Suit:

Armor provides defense against enemy attacks, as well as protection against various environmental effects. It also changes the look of the character.


Exos are similar to “accessories” in other games. They add perks and benefits to the characters attributes but only work in matching environment.


Cosmetic items change the appearance of the character and/or their equipment without changing underlying attributes.


The Canary follows the player around, alerting them to potential hazards and enemies. At higher levels, it gains the ability to return to the surface with materials to clear room in the miner’s pack. This ability can only be used once per mining run, and the canary will remain at the surface until the next run.

What consumables are available in the Mines of Dalarnia?

Mines of Dalarnia will include different consumables that can be crafted using resources. At launch, the most valuable consumable will be ‘Terraforming Capsules’ which landowners must use in order to replenish their mining plots. Other consumables include a teleportation device that allows a miner to escape out of their run instantly, and a health pack which fully recharges a player’s health bar. A later update will introduce a consumable that recharges a player’s oxygen/light/heating/cooling unit.

Do my in-game tools and equipment require maintenance?

No. Equipment and tools do not degrade with use.

Is there any hazard in the game that can do damage to me?

Yes, there will be all kinds of different hazards within Mines of Dalarnia based on the mining plots Planet and Biome Type.

Can I earn achievements in the game?

Mines of Dalarnia will include Achievements and Tasks in a later update. At launch, these features will not be implemented.


What are the types of gameplay I can experience in the Mines of Dalarnia?

Mines of Dalarnia offers two distinct Game Roles:


Miners access mining plots to gather resources and fight monsters in a sidescrolling-mining game.

Land Owners:

Land Owners own and manage Mining Plots that they lease for other players to mine within.

How do I control my character in the game?

Controls will change based on the players input device.

  • WASD to move
  • Keys to trigger abilities

Mouse Buttons to trigger abilities

Generic USB gamepad option

  • Joystick for movement
  • Button mapping for abilities

Can I pause during the game?

Yes, it will be possible to pause during the game.

How does the Mining Gameplay look in detail?

Mines of Dalarnia is a 2D sidescroller where the player controls a character. The character comes equipped with a tool that they can use to break blocks to mine and a weapon to fight enemies. Each level is procedurally generated with hazards (enemies, falling blocks, traps) and resources. During mining players fight monsters and destroy blocks of different qualities to get points which contribute to their high score. This high score determines the quality and quantity of resources and maybe even loot they receive after their mining session.

Player Objectives:

The player must collect as many resources as they can without dying. They can then convert these resources into equipment upgrades, cosmetic skins, and consumables.

Player Limitations:

Mines of Dalarnia will include Achievements and Tasks in a later update. At launch, these features will not be implemented.Players have a certain amount of health. When their health bar reaches zero, their run is over. A player’s available health can be increased by certain armor and exo perks.

*This feature is not enabled at launch

In certain mines, this level will slowly deplete over time. If this level reaches zero, the player’s run ends. A player’s available OLHC level can be increased by certain armour and exo perks.

Mining Game Mechanics:

In the mines, players will not be able to see all of the screen. Some of the screen will be blacked out, simulating darkness. The strength of their light determines how far off in the distance they can see from the character’s position.

Gameplay Controls

Users can view and switch between various control layouts in the ‘Control Binds’ section of the in-game Settings menu.


Reduces incoming damage from enemies by a formula based on enemy attack value compared to the players defense rating.


Players collect resources by simply walking over them.


If a player dies before making it to an exit point, then they lose a percentage of their loot collected during that run.

Mindless exploration or the unideal upgrade path for a player may not net them great returns on some levels.


Pacing is not intense at first. Players have a sense of exploration and freedom to choose their own path down into the plot. It’s up to them if they want to rush to mine more, potentially missing opportunities, and risking death. They can also run out the clock at their own pace and do things a bit more strategic and thorough.

How does the Real-Estate Gameplay look in detail?

Players have the option of either buying or renting plots of land. Players that buy a land plot NFT claim ‘ownership’ of that plot, and can then rent it to others. They may also mine their own land for free, but doing so contributes to resource depletion on their plot. Renting plots is generally far cheaper than buying plots, but does not come with the benefits (and responsibility) of ownership. Players that rent a plot gain one time access to that plot by paying a fee denominated in DAR. This fee is paid to the owner of the plot.

Players that choose to rent a plot gain one time access to that plot (one run) for a small DAR fee (one time run through the procedurally generated level of said plot). This fee is paid to the owner of that plot.

Player Objectives:
Buying plots:

Landowners can generate revenue in the form of DAR tokens by renting their plots to other players. As a plot is mined, its resources are depleted and must be replenished using Terraforming Capsules.

Renting plots:

Renting plots is a cheaper alternative for players looking to progress through the mining game. Instead of buying every piece of land, players can mine a plot containing a specific resource at a fraction of the price. Players will be able to combine resources that they mine to craft a Terraforming Capsule. These consumables can then be sold for DAR to other players. Terraforming Capsules allow LAND owners to replenish their plots once they run out of resources.

Player Limitations:

A Plot has a specific amount of Resources per depth for miners. These resources deplete over time making a plot less intersting for miners. LAND Owners have to replenish resources by using terraforming capsules.

Player Mechanics:
Buying plots:

Plots will be sold during specific times at LAND sales on our website and can furthermore be traded on the marketplace.

Renting plots:

A player can list their land plot for rent at a recommended price provided by an internal algorithm. With future updates we will allow LAND Owners to set the rent fee manually.

A player can rent a plot of land listed by another player on the marketplace. Miners can then go on 1 run through that plot’s procedurally generated level to gather rewards after mining.

There are no limits on simultaneous “miners” of a plot, like with an apartment in the real world. The game allows multiple miners to be performing runs on a rented plot at the same time (although players never see/encounter each other in the game)

LAND will be sold in lotteries with players having the option to stake DAR for getting a winning ticket.

How often will new plots appear to the market?

New Plots will be added at Planet Release Events.

Minor Planet Release Events:

Minor planet release events will occur as-needed when there is a need to expand the in-game real estate due to overpopulation. These events will involve adding new planet with new LANDs, containing existing terrains and resources.

Major Planet Release Events:

Major planet release events will occur when a new category of planet with new terrain types (ie. Ice World, Gas Giants, etc.) are introduced and will accompany a large-scale content update to the game. These Planet releases will add LANDs containing new resources, new craftable equipment, new terrains / biomes and even new depth tiers.
To keep older LANDs from devaluing as new content is released, sometimes new content tiers will be added to older planets as well. New features of existing LANDs will be “discovered” adding new resources and depth tiers.

Mine Types

What types of Mines are currently available in the game?

At launch Mines of Dalarnia will include Three planets (Terra Prime, Terra Simia, Terra Caldera) and one moon (Luna Praxis) of the Terra Type.

Attempting to dig those biomes with a mining tool not strong against that attribute will be difficult or even impossible.
Environmental Hazards will also match a biome type making the miners equipment selection critical for successful runs.

Can I replay the plot?

At the start of each mining run the layout of the level as well as enemy locations ad resource distribution will be generated randomly. Replaying the exact same plot is therefore not possible.

Minerals, collectibles, cosmetic items

What currency, NFT, skins, in-game items are available in the game?

These are the assets used within the games economy:

DAR Token:

Mines of Dalarnias native Token DAR is at the core of the game economy and utilized in several ways such as trading on the marketplace, renting mining plots or crafting equipment.


Equipment is needed to mine and fight monsters. It improves the characters attributes and makes even the most dangerous mining plots accessible.


Players are rewarded with resources after mining runs based on the terrain/biome type and the depth of the mining plot. Resources are needed for crafting Equipment and Consumables.


Consumables have very distinct use cases and can be used one time.


Cosmetics allow players to customize the look of their character without affecting the characters attributes.

What type of minerals can I collect?

At launch Mines of Dalarnia will include the following resources that players can collect:

Falun Copper:

Commonly found on Depth 1 of mining plots.

Rarely found on Depth 1 but commonly found on Depth 2 and Depth 3.

Rarely found on Depth 1 and Uncommonly on Depth 2 but commonly on Depth 3.

Mines of Dalarnia is a platform-mining browser game. You can find it on our website or in the menu of your Chromia Vault

Do I need an internet connection to play Mines of Dalarnia?

Yes. A stable internet connection is necessary to play Mines of Dalarnia.

Do I need to pay to play Mines of Dalarnia?

No, Mines of Dalarnia is a free-to-play game.

Are there any limitations in the free-to-play version of the game?

In Free Play, players do not obtain the essential minerals needed to upgrade their abilities beyond LvL 3.

Free-play users will not be able to mine in worlds other than Terrestrial, and they miss out on the opportunity to collect world-specific minerals.

In Free Play, players do not obtain essential minerals to generate a refinery.

Do I need to register in Chromia Vault to play Mines of Dalarnia?

Players without Chromia Vault will be able to play for free, but with limitations.

What is the Chromia Vault?

The Chromia Vault is our wallet software, the place where you keep your keys, Chromia assets and manage your tokens. It is different from most other wallets out there, though, which is why we opted to call it a Vault instead.

Are Mines of Dalarnia pay-to-win?

No. We do not sell items that give a competitive advantage.

Can I play Mines of Dalarnia on PC with a controller?

No. We do not support controller compatibility on PC.

What browsers support Mines of Dalarnia?

At the moment, we support Chrome and Safari.

How do I report a bug or give feedback regarding the Mines of Dalarnia?

Please use the Support button on our website. Or you can fill in the Form: Feedback

▸ Player progression

What tools/items do I use to progress in the game?

During the game progress, you will be eligible for:


The primary tool used to mine/attack enemies. Upgrading will allow players to break higher-level tiles and defeat stronger enemies. Higher-level pickaxes will also require fewer swings on lower-level tiles and enemies.


How much storage space a player has for collecting resources. Upgrading will increase the number of slots and the number of resources a player can carry during a single run.

Oxygen/Light Tank:

In the Terrestrial Mine, this will slowly deplete during a run. Upgrading will increase the length of time it takes to deplete.

Heating Tank:

In the Ice Mine, this will slowly deplete during a run. Upgrading will increase the length of time it takes to deplete.

Coolant Tank:

In the Lava Mine, this will slowly deplete during a run. Upgrading will increase the length of time it takes to deplete.


Armor protects you from enemies and hazards. Upgrading will increase your health pool and the height of fall damage.


Upgrading boots will allow players to run faster. At higher levels, players will be able to unlock the rocket boost ability, allowing them to reach previously unreachable heights. Using rocket boost depletes your steam tank.

Pressure bomb:

It can be thrown up, down, or forward. These will blow up anything in range (including you!) Players are only given a limited amount per run. Upgrading will prevent the blast from hurting you, increase the starting amount, damage, and Range.

Power drill:

Allows a player to drill across multiple tiles for a short duration quickly. Using this depletes your steam tank. Upgrades will enable you to drill through higher-level tiles.


Canary follows the player around. Can alert the player to potential hazards and enemies. At higher levels, you can send it to the surface with materials to clear room in your pack (can only do this once per run - canary will not fly back to you).

What consumables are available in the Mines of Dalarnia?

All consumables are crafted using resources or can be found within mines (randomly or after attacking an enemy)

- Escape rope (crafted only)

Teleports players out of their run instantly

- Charger (enemy drop only)

Recharges a player’s oxygen/light/heating/cooling unit

- Health pack (crafted or enemy drop)

Fully recharges a player’s health bar

Do my in-game tools and my equipment have durability? How can I repair it?

Over time, the player’s pickaxe and armor will lose durability. A pickaxe will take durability damage from hitting higher-level monsters and tiles. Armor will lose durability from fall damage, dying, and getting hit by enemies. Players will need to use lower-level resources to repair their equipment. Until they repair the broken tool, the player will be forced to use the previous tier’s tool.

Is there any hazard in the game that can do damage to me?

Yes, here is the list of them:

Traps/Blocks that hurt you:

Spikes that will hurt a player if they land on them

Sometimes mining a block will trigger the block above to fall down

Tiles that will break when a player steps on them

Stepping on pressure plates will trigger arrows, falling blocks, etc


Enemies will have varying levels of difficulty to avoid/defeat depending on the Tier of difficulty of the plot they are found in. Occasionally defeated enemies will spawn a resource, fuel, or other elements to aid players on their journey and reward them for defeating the enemy.

- Basic floor crawler

Moves left and right until it reaches a wall and then turns around

If it spots a player, it will charge in that direction until it hits a wall

Stationary structures that fire projectiles

Moves in a sine pattern when a player comes within a certain radius

Can I earn an Achievement in Mines of Dalarnia?

Achievements are a way to gradually guide new players into Mines of Dalarnia and give them challenges to complete. Achievements are tracked per user account. They are not tracked separately per mine; achievements earned in one mine apply to all mines using that edition and user account.

▸ Gameplay

What are the types of gameplay I can experience in the Mines of Dalarnia?

Gameplay is split into two modes:

Mining Gameplay:

This is a 2D platform-mining game where the player controls a character and guides them through a procedurally-generated level (plot), mining through various earth blocks to discover and collect minerals of various rarities.

Collected minerals are then used to upgrade the character through mining equipment and character attributes.

Collected minerals can be used to craft a refinery, which is required to lease a land plot in the Real Estate gameplay.

Real-estate Gameplay:

It is a management style interface where players buy and lease levels/plots for others to mine within.

How do I control my character in the game?

Controls will change upon the platform, with desktop platforms having several options. Controls are subject to change through iteration and may have customizability in the final game.

  • WASD to move
  • Keys to trigger abilities
  • Mobile is currently not supported in Alpha. But will be implemented with future updates.

Generic USB gamepad option

  • Joystick for movement
  • Button mapping for abilities

Can I pause during the game?

During a Mining-run, players will be able to pause the game using an ESC button and a resume with the same button. During the pause, the screen will blank, prevent players from exploiting the pause function to gain infinite time to plan their route.

If they close the browser window or become disconnected during a pause, they will lose their progress on that run and need to start again.

How does the Mining Gameplay look in detail?

Gameplay is a 2D platformer where the player controls a character. The character comes equipped with a tool that they can use to break blocks to mine and also damage enemies. Each level is procedurally generated with hazards (enemies, falling blocks, traps) and resources (gold, silver, copper). The minerals that the player uses for upgrades/consumables are found inside blocks. Players collect them after breaking the blocks with their tools. The player can easily identify blocks that contain minerals.

Player Objectives:

The player must collect as many resources as they can without dying. They can then convert these resources into equipment upgrades, cosmetic skins, and consumables. Those resources may also enable them to purchase a wider variety of Mining Plots, which will help them expand their plot ownership business.

Player Limitations:

Players are given a certain amount of health. When that runs out, their run is over. Health amounts can be increased by upgrading their character’s level.

On certain levels, this component slowly depletes over time. The player’s run ends when this occurs. Oxygen/light/heat/cooling amount can be increased by upgrading it in the menu section.

Find Oxygen (Terrestrial Mine), Oil (Darkness Mine), Wood (Ice Mine), and Coal (Lava Mine) blocks to break that refill your meters.

The theme of the system being used depends on the world player is on (Lava, Ice, Darkness, Terrestrial.)

Item Storage:

Players have a limited number of slots that hold resources player mines. When this is full, a player cannot collect any more items during that run. This can be increased by upgrading their Backpack. Players can also drop previously collected items to make room for additional items.

Mining Game Mechanics:

In the mines, players will not be able to see the fullscreen. Some of the screens will be blacked out, simulating darkness. Their light’s strength determines how far off in the distance they can see from the character’s position. The fog of war is not persistent.

General movement:

WASD keys/Virtual Joystick/Gamepad for left, right, and jumping movement.


Pressing a button space will cause the player to swing their pick in a designated direction.


Players will be able to jump 1 ‘tile’ height from a standstill. Jumping from a sprint will increase the jump height to 3.1 ‘tiles’ of height.


Pretty much every mining mechanic will have an attack effect on enemies.


This is mostly a passive attribute (adding more health.)


Collect pickups by walking over them. You will be able to drop/remove items through the backpack interface. Health/oxygen pickups will be consumed automatically when walking over them.


This mechanic counters the fog of war. The Player’s light strength will allow them to see further into the fog of war. The Canary is also a secondary light source that will enable players to see things on the screen further than the character’s light source can reach.


If a player dies or lets their oxygen/light run out before making it to an extraction point, then they lose a percentage of their loot collected during that run.

Mindless exploration or the unideal upgrade path for a player may not net them great returns on some levels.


Pacing should not be intense at first. Players should have a sense of exploration and freedom to choose their own path down into the plot. It’s up to them if they want to rush to mine more, potentially missing opportunities, and risking death. They can also run out the clock at their own pace and do things a bit more strategic and thorough.

How does the Real-Estate Gameplay look in detail?

Players have the option of either buying or renting plots of land using CHR. Players that buy a plot of land claim “ownership” of it, and can mine that plot without paying CHR. They also have the option of putting their plot up for rent to other players in return for some CHR. For miners looking to mine, buying plots of land will cost significantly more CHR than renting (an opportunity to mine on it), but the balance is in that they can always rent a plot in hopes of some financial return.

Players that choose to rent a plot gain one time access to that plot (one run) for a small CHR fee (one time run through the procedurally generated level of said plot). This fee is paid to the owner of that plot.

Player Objectives:
Buying plots:

Players want to make a real-life profit off of renting desirable plots to other players. Desirable plots could contain an abundance of a certain resource needed to upgrade a piece of equipment. In order to list a plot for rent, a player needs to assign a refinery to that plot. refineries are one-time uses and can only be used on one plot.

Renting plots:

Renting plots is a cheaper alternative for players looking to progress through the mining game. Instead of buying every piece of land, players can mine a plot containing a specific resource at a fraction of the price. Players will be able to combine resources that they mine to craft a refinery. These refineries can then be sold for CHR to other players. Refineries allow a player to list their plot for rent.

Player Limitations:

A plot of land can only be mined X number of times before its resources get depleted. Plots essentially degrade by the number of users, not by precisely what each player mines in a run on that plot.

Player Mechanics:
Buying plots:

There will always be 5 new plots available on the marketplace to buy. The price fluctuates depending on a formula (difficulty, the rarity of resources found in the plot). Once a player buys a plot, a new one will be created and available for purchase. Plots that have been on the marketplace for over 3 days will be removed and replaced with newly generated ones. There will be a daily limit to the number of plots generated to avoid flooding the market. When a new plot is generated, it will be set to a base price. If a player wants to buy the plot, they can place a bid. If no one else bids on the plot, the player wins the plot within the next 2 minutes, and it is added to their collection. However, additional players can also bid on the plot. Each time someone presses the “bid” button, the plot’s price will increase by 0.01.

Renting plots:

A player can list their land plot for rent on the marketplace at a recommended price provided by an internal algorithm. This algorithm is calculated using the purchase price the landlord originally bought the plot for. The landlord can set the price higher or lower than the recommended price if they want. For each tenant that mines that plot, the player earns said CHR. A plot of land can only be mined 20 times before it can no longer be rented.

A player can rent a plot of land listed by another player on the marketplace. Tenants can then go on 1 run through that plot’s procedurally generated level to collect as many resources as they can.

There are no limits on simultaneous “tenants” of a plot, like with an apartment in the real world. The game allows multiple miners to be performing runs on a rented plot at the same time (although players never see/encounter each other in the game)

When viewing a plot of land on the marketplace, players will only see the estimated number of resources contained in the plot. The true number is only shown after purchasing the plot or if looking at other people’s plots listed for rent. There is potential for a player to get a highly valued plot with an abundance of rare resources, but sometimes the plot will just contain the normal amount of resources.

How often will new plots appear to the market?

A new plot will appear after the current plot is rented out. If no one appears, it means that the daily cap of plots is reached, and it will take some time for the plot to be seen again.

Mines of Dalarnia – очередной GameFi-проект, запущенный на блокчейне Binance Smart Chain. Представляет собой достаточно стандартную для данного жанра блокчейн-игру от известной компании Workinman, которая разрабатывает игры для Atari, Nickelodeon, Disney и прочих. Суть игры проста – вам дают персонажа, с помощью которого вы собираете различные минералы в 4-х мирах вселенной Dalarnia. После эти минералы используете для усовершенствования навыков персонажа и прокачки игровых предметов (оружие, обмундирование и т.д.)

В игре есть своя валюта – токены DAR, которая также используется для усовершенствования внутриигровых предметов и навыков. Токены DAR относятся к стандарту BEP-20, и вскоре будут торговаться на внешних крипто-площадках вроде Binance. Также DAR можно добывать путем стейкинга. Проект новый, интересный и перспективный.

Особенности игрового процесса Mines of Dalarnia

Вселенная Mines of Dalarnia делится на четыре мира:

  1. Тьма (Darkness) – тусклые подземелья с богатыми залежами ценных минералов.
  2. Лед (Ice) – ледовое царство.
  3. Лава (Lava) – подземный мир с реками лавы.
  4. И Земля (Terra) – привычный мир земли.

Каждый из миров имеет сотни земельных участков, выраженных в незаменяемых NFT-токенах. Игрок может покупать участки для сдачи их в аренду, или арендовать для сбора минералов. Земельные участки считаются самыми ценными игровыми предметами, так как дают возможность зарабатывать DAR в пассивном режиме. Купленный участок можно сдавать в аренду, неплохо на этом зарабатывая.

Для входа на определенный земельный участок нужно заплатить некоторое количество DAR. Чем выше статус участка, тем ценнее минералы на нем находятся. Есть бесплатный земельный участок (Free Zone), с помощью которого можно начать играть без вложений.

В игре есть два типа ресурсов:

  1. Основной тип – минералы низшего порядка, использующиеся для улучшения базовых характеристик персонажа.
  2. Экзотический тип – особо редкие минералы, которые нужны для продвинутой прокачки персонажа.

Инструменты и характеристики персонажа

Касательно инструментов и экипировки, то каждому игроку после регистрации выдают стандартный набор, включающий:

  • кирку для добычи минералов;
  • рюкзак, в котором эти минералы будут переноситься;
  • ботинки, при усовершенствовании которых повышается скорость передвижения персонажа;
  • бомбы (дополнительный вид оружия для уничтожения монстров);
  • дрель для ускоренного дробления породы;
  • канарейки (NFT) – помощники в игре.

Также персонаж имеет четыре базовых характеристики:

  • здоровье (Health);
  • кислород (Oxygen);
  • радиатор или теплоотвод (Head Sink) – необходим для мира лавы;
  • антифриз (Antifreeze) – нужен для ледового царства.

Все предметы экипировки и базовые характеристики можно прокачивать, чтобы повышать способности персонажа. Например, если прокачать кирку, вы сможете больше добывать минералов за один игровой сеанс (2 минуты). Если прокачать рюкзак, сможете больше унести и т.д.

В игре есть внутренний рынок, где можно покупать, обменивать или брать в аренду различные элементы экипировки. А также продавать или покупать минералы за DAR.

Токен DAR

Нативный токен DAR, как и в других похожих проектах, нужен для:

  1. Стейкинга цифровых монет для поддержания работоспособности системы.
  2. Голосования. Держатели DAR могут голосовать за те или иные инициативы, озвученные либо разработчиками, либо валидаторами.
  3. Обменных операций (заработок по системе Play-to-Earn). Собранные минералы и различные внутриигровые предметы можно продавать за DAR, а сам токен конвертировать в доллары, рубли или Биткоины через биржу Binance.
  4. Торговли NFT-токенами (промежуточная монета).
  5. Оплаты комиссий за транзакции и сделки в игре.

Сейчас токен DAR используется лишь внутри игры и на площадке Binance Launchpool. В листинг криптовалютной биржи Binance DAR планируют добавить 4 ноября, где он будет торговаться в валютных парах вместе с BUSD, BTC, USDT и BNB. Токен поддерживается такими криптовалютными кошельками, как Metamask, Trust Wallet и Binance Chain Wallet.

Mines of Dalarnia – приключенческая блокчейн-игра с моделью «Играй, чтобы заработать» и процедурно генерируемыми уровнями на блокчейне Binance Smart Chain (BSC). В игре есть местности, которые можно исследовать, навыки и снаряжение, артефакты, реликвии, враждебные монстры. Игроку требуется комбинировать различные предметы, чтобы улучшать навыки и оружие, повышая результативность в игре.

DAR – внутриигровая валюта проекта, используемая для улучшения инструментов и умений игроков, а также для торговли на встроенном рынке. Собранные в результате этих действий DAR будут храниться в резерве сообщества. Держатели токенов вместе принимают решения об их использовании: для финансирования развития игры или же для сжигания.

Обновлено. Сегодня цена DAR после листинга на Binance достигала отметки 16,79 $ в паре DAR/USDT. На 11:12 торгуется по 5,69 $ или +25808 % к первоначальной.

Фарминг Mines of Dalarnia (DAR) на Binance Launchpool

Фарминг Mines of Dalarnia (DAR) на Binance Launchpool

Общая информация

Игровой мир Mines of Dalarnia включает в себя запасы полезных ископаемых, разнообразный свободно генерируемый рельеф и разные способы использования ресурсов.


Участки земли могут быть нескольких разных типов – Земля, Лава, Лёд, Тьма. Они представлены разными цветами в панели управления добычей полезных ископаемых. Все участки содержат враждебных мобов с разными особенностями атаки и другими свойствами, к которым нужно адаптироваться.

Игрок может владеть участком земли и тем самым получать возможности для заработка. Продажа земли осуществляется партиями. Игрок должен заплатить определенную цену, чтобы купить участок земли, представленный в формате NFT. При этом можно выбрать на свое усмотрение тип земельного участка. Для землевладельца изначально устанавливается минимальное вознаграждение либо в токенах, либо в необходимых инструментах и минералах, либо в других форматах.

Игровой процесс Mines of Dalarnia

Игровой процесс Mines of Dalarnia

Однако покупка земельного участка в Mines of Dalarnia – это не чистая инвестиция, она налагает определенные обязанности, связанные с развитием экономики игры. В течение каждого месяца система измеряет показатели платформы, такие как число новых игроков, объемы добываемых полезных ископаемых и т.д. Активные и хорошо управляемые шахты вознаграждаются, а к неактивным применяются санкции. Владелец имеет право сдавать землю в аренду на собственных условиях или взимать налоги.


В игре есть два вида добываемых ресурсов:

  • Основные. Применяются для базовой модернизации и могут быть найдены в свободной зоне, доступной каждому игроку. Примеры – железная руда, металлический лом, фалуньская медь.
  • Экзотические. Применяются для улучшенной модернизации. Отыскать их можно только в купленных или арендованных премиум-шахтах. Примеры – окаменевший неон, присминий, кристаллизованная плазма

Некоторые полезные ископаемые можно найти только в определенных типах шахт.

Ресурсы в Mines of Dalarnia

Ресурсы в Mines of Dalarnia


Для начала игры пользователю нужен стартовый набор из кислородных пакетов и кирки. В дальнейшем можно усовершенствовать свой инвентарь при помощи токенов DAR. Более функциональные инструменты позволят добывать ресурсы быстрее и результативнее.

В Mines of Dalarnia существует верхний предел использования каждого инструмента – когда он достигнут, игроку необходимо выбросить или обменять предмет. Разные виды шахт имеют индивидуальные требования к инструментам. А обмундирование помогает продлить возможное время пребывания в шахте.

Снаряжение в Mines of Dalarnia

Снаряжение в Mines of Dalarnia


Наконец, в игре Mines of Dalarnia имеется рынок, где пользователи могут торговать предметами или брать их в аренду. В качестве инструментов обмена выступают полезные ископаемые, снаряжение, а также уникальные объекты декора. За каждую транзакцию, совершенную на торговой площадке, взимается комиссия в токенах DAR.

Токен DAR

Нативный токен DAR имеет сразу несколько видов применения:

  • Стейкинг с наградами. Пользователи могут ставить DAR и получать ранний доступ к новым игровым функциям и контенту, а также символические награды.
  • Децентрализованное управление. Владельцы актива смогут голосовать по предложениям, касающимся экономики земель, политики вознаграждения шахтеров и других компонентов.
  • Play-to-Earn. Можно зарабатывать DAR, продавая предметы, собранные в ходе игры, или же выигрывать в турнирах. Помимо этого, игрок может купить участок, а потом сдавать его в аренду, получая пассивный доход.
  • Торговый актив для покупки и продажи NFT на встроенном рынке.

С 29 октября по 28 ноября 2021 года токен DAR будет распределяться как вознаграждение на Binance Launchpool для стейкеров криптовалют BNB и BUSD. Распределение монет:

  • BNB: 19 200 000 DAR (80%)
  • BUSD: 4 800 000 DAR (20%)

В течение месяца Binance будет каждый час делать снимки балансов пользователей, чтобы в конце мероприятия на основе этих данных распределить DAR.

Где купить, продать и хранить DAR

Вскоре после начала распределения на Binance Launchpool, 4 ноября 2021 года, токен добавлен в листинг биржи Binance и доступен для торговли в инновационной зоне. Стартовые торговые пары: DAR/BTC, DAR/BNB, DAR/BUSD и DAR/USDT.

Поскольку токен относится к стандарту BEP-20, то в дальнейшем им можно будет обмениваться на децентрализованных биржах на основе Binance Smart Chain, к примеру:

Для хранения можно использовать кошельки Trust Wallet, Binance Chain Wallet, Metamask (в последнем нужно переключиться на сеть BSC).


Количество игр на блокчейне продолжает расти, и Mines of Dalarnia – еще один достойный представитель этой категории. Игра работает по модели Play-to-Earn, а это значит, что пользователи могут в интересной игровой форме получать доход. Есть и вариант пассивного заработка – сдача собственных земельных участков в аренду. Проект работает на базе Binance Smart Chain, таким образом, транзакции в нем намного быстрее и дешевле, чем в протоколах, базирующихся на Ethereum. Дальнейшее развитие зависит от того, как активно будет работать команда и в плане продвижения, и в плане усовершенствования игры. Например, на 2022 год запланирован запуск мобильного приложения и добавление новых игровых задач.

Автор статьи

Куприянов Денис Юрьевич

Куприянов Денис Юрьевич

Юрист частного права

Страница автора

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